General Community Rules

General Community Rules apply to all owners, residents & guests:

 Appearance of Units:
  Upkeep of the units -- including (but not limited to) the appearance of carports, landscaping the individual patio areas in front and back of each unit, and paint/trim (using approved colors) is the responsibility of each homeowner. Carport storage of any type is strictly prohibited, including no boats, campers, storage sheds, firewood, ladders, junk, etc.
  The maintenance of the approximate three-foot (3ft) strip between the street and lot front yards (mainly the Ficus trees), along with the common areas, is the responsibility of the Association. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining trees and shrubs in their yards, the individual patio areas in the front and back of their lots, so as to not infringe; i.e. hang-over property lines and/or drop leaves, etc. on neighboring units.
 Solar Lights:
  All units shall have their solar lights on at all times to provide ongoing security.
 Vehicles & Parking:
  • Parking is restricted to two vehicles in each carport.
  • Permanent parking is prohibited on our private street or in the guest spaces at the pool.
  • Temporary guests (no more than one week) may park at the pool area.
  • Homeowners: You must inform potential tenants that Avenida Hermosa is restricted to two vehicles per unit, and owners will be expected to enforce this requirement. Short-term guests should be asked not to block other units' carports. Fines may be issued to those breaking this rule and all others in the Rules and Regulations. Payment of these fines will be the responsibility of the homeowner.
 Trash & Recycling:
  We have private trash pick up & recycling. Please note the following:
  • TRASH pick-ups are Monday AM: 
    • Any indoor containers can be placed outside as early as the NIGHT BEFORE pickup
    • All indoor cans or other items must be removed (taken back inside) by the end of the pickup day.
  • RECYCLING pickups are Wednesday AM:
    • Please use a BLUE contain or trashcan, or mark your can with "RECYCLING" to hold your recyclables
    • Do NOT put any recyclable items into trash bags (unless they are the CLEAR specialty recycling bags)
    • Rinse all food waste off of your plastic food containers (OIL-SOAKED cardboard/paper containers are TRASH)
    • A list of recyclable items is here: What is Recyclable?   (if in doubt, throw it into the trash instead)
  Be considerate of others & keep noise levels down (including use of audio equipment).  The compact design of Avenida Hermosa (i.e. common walls, open patios, etc) dictates that the “Golden Rule” be in effect at all times.
Please be considerate of your neighbors.
 Swimming Pool Use & Rules:
  • The pool gate is to be kept locked at all times, including when people are inside the gated area.
  • Children under 15 years of age must be accompanied at all times by an adult.
  • Clean up after yourselves, and keep the pool area clean by ensuring that you remove all trash and personal items from the pool area after each use. Trash receptacles are located in the pool area for your convenience.
  • NO breakable containers of any type are permitted.
  • Be considerate of others & keep noise levels down (including use of audio equipment).
  • Guests are welcome, but must be accompanied by a resident.
  Pets must be kept on a leash when outside of a townhouse, under the control of the owner, and walked off-premises. Please be a responsible pet owner and clean up after your pet.
 Guests & Renters:
  Owners are responsible for ensuring that their families, guests, invitees, and/or tenants comply with the governing documents. Owners will be responsible for any violations caused by their families, guests, invitees, and/or tenants. Homeowners are contractually bound to the terms of the governing documents and the Association is entitled to proceed with the enforcement remedies specified in the governing documents and state law, in the event that an owner breaches the terms of the governing documents.
 Fees & Fines:
  Fees/Fines for violating the above rules are to be imposed and determined at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Payment of these fines will be the responsibility of the homeowner.